Step 1: Download heartbeatz
Open the Apple App Store, search for 'heartbeatz', download the app.
Alternatively, click here.
Be sure that ALL permissions are set to on or heartbeatz will not work correctly. heartbeatz will save a workout in your health kit and record all standard metrics that would be recorded by a similar workout using the native Apple Fitness app.
Step 2: Configure WYÛR or CÔRD
WYÛR and CÔRD can be used out of the box as a heartbeatz pod to connect your Apple Watch heart via Bluetooth or ANT+.
- Wake WYÛR via NFC (covered in our getting started guide) or plug CÔRD into a USB-A outlet
- Open heartbeatz Connect on your Apple Watch
- Select 'Activate heartbeatz'
- For the first pairing, hold the WYÛR or CÔRD very close to the Apple Watch. After that, as long as you are within Bluetooth range, it will connect automatically
- Select ' Record Workout'
- Get your sweat on!
If you wish to pair other devices as well, follow the steps in our getting started guide for pairing other sensors and be sure to leave heartbeatz selected as a sensor option in your desired workout mode. After you save your settings, follow the above steps to connect WYÛR or CÔRD to your Apple Watch.
Other Notes:
- When using the 5kHz broadcast, the WYÛR needs to be as close to the Polar Enabled fitness equipment as possible. We typically recommend setting the WYÛR on the fitness equipment itself. Additionally, you will need to use the ConfigurEZ application to turn on the 5kHz broadcast from your WYÛR.
- Swipe left and right in the workout screen for other options, such as pausing or ending your workout, or to see the ANT+ ID of your WYÛR for pairing your signal to your name on a leaderboard using ANT+
- If you record a workout, even if you hit discard there will be a HealthKit workout stored (sorry), so if you wish to not have a health kit workout stored you can either manually delete it, or you can stream your heart rate from your watch without clicking 'Record Workout'. The downsides to streaming the heart rate in this way are losing feedback screens when the watch itself loses heart rate and needs to be adjusted and losing the ability to water lock the screen.
- If you are having signal issues due to the environment with CÔRD, position CÔRD so the logo is facing you and/or, position CÔRD closer to where you are exercising.
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