The following the procedure resets the Runn hardware. This procedure is suggested for cases where the Runn isn't reporting speed or incline over Bluetooth/ANT+
First, turn on the ANT+ by double pressing the white button. Hold the white button in, then, plug the Runn to power through its USB connection. This will perform a hardware reset of the Runn and reinitialize the Runn's sensor circuitry. See the following video that highlights the reset process:
After performing the reset, we want to check that the Runn is detecting the sensor strips using the strip detect mode:
Put the Runn into strip detect mode:
Turn on your treadmill. Press the button on the back of the Runn™ twice and the right LED should light up. Single press the button to turn on Sensor Strip Detection Mode. As belt sensor stickers pass underneath the Runn™ speed sensor pickup, the left and right LEDs will toggle indicating successful alignment of the belt sensor stickers to the Runn™ speed sensor pickup. See the following video that highlights the strip detect mode operation:
With the Runn in strip detect mode, do the LEDs toggle?
If the Runn is detecting the strips, then the Runn is operating as expected and the hardware reset worked. You can disable strip detect mode by pressing the white button twice in rapid succession.
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