Cable to Bridge ANT+ Pod‘s to Suunto
I‘d like to use CBLE to bridge ANT+ Signals from an Ergo Bike to my Suunt 9.
Therefore I have to use the BLE Profiles Power Pod, HF Sensor and Bike Pod.
I can connect all three signals to my watch, the rates are also received correctly - if I only use one sensor type at once.
If I connect all three sensor/pod‘s at training, the connection will flapp between the three pod‘s or just the first connected pod will stay connected stable.
Is this because CABLE will only use one BLE signal and device name?
Can I connect single ANT+ signals not only to single BLE services but also to more than one BLE signal, so that suunto watches can differ between the pods?
Or do I have to use two CABLE‘s to simulate two single POD‘s, e.g. power and bike POD?
Official comment
Hi Matthias - We would be happy to help you! I'm going to open a support ticket so that we can get some more information from you.
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