Power on behaviour changed with newest firmware?



  • Official comment
    Erin Eskew

    Hi Jon! The expected behavior of Runn has always been double press of the white button to turn on/off the ANT+ radio. With our second to last update to Configurez, we added capabilities of changing the setting of what the double press of the white button turns on/off. Either just the ANT+ radio or both the ANT+ radio and BLE advertising. 

    Regarding the ConnectIQ field, you will want to make sure it is paired to your Runn. If you have any issues with doing this, please reach out to our Support Team at support@npe-inc.com.

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  • Jon


    Thanks for answering. Previously, if ANT+ was enabled, and the RUNN unit turned itself off (probably because the battery went flat because there was no power supplied), when it powered back on when the power came back on, ANT+ was active.

    It seems in the latest firmware that now it powers on with just BLE, and you have to double press the button to enable ANT+ which isn't the end of the world, but is a bit of a pain...


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  • Mark Hopkins

    Jon, as to your second point, i was also seeing the 327.5% issue on my Garmin but after following the instruction here it was all good

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  • Jon

    Changing the double press button setting in Configurez from BLE to ANT + BLE seems to have fixed it - when the unit has power applied now both radios seem to be enabled as it was before, so thanks for that.


    @Mark - thanks, just followed that guide and it's also fixed the ConnectIQ field :)

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