Runn incline calibration fails
I am having problems to set the correct incline. My Runn is on the latest firmware.
So i start on the lowest level, while the band is stopped. I insert 0 and push calibrate. Calibration is send and I can see, that it is set to 0
Midway: I put my treadmill to 7. Stop the band. Set the little grey box to 7 and push calibrate. Calibration works. I can see app is set to 7.
Highest Point: I put my treadmill to 15. Stop the band and weired thing is. It stops counting in the App everytime at 13.4%. So i enter 15 in the little grey box, push calibrate and all of the sudden, the Calibration in the App shows a negativ figuere. It is -7,5% or something like that.
I tried it several times. Tried different mid settings eg. 6,7,8,10. This step always works fine. But as soon as I want to calibrate to the maximum incline of my treadmill it always shows after calibration a negativ figuere.
Any idea, what I can do.
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